Energy-Efficient Upgrades With ECO4 Funding
Funding is available to pay for new renewable heating systems and home insulation. These upgrades are offered as part of the government’s drive to reduce the use of fossil fuels. For households that qualify, this means a warmer and more energy-efficient home that lowers the cost of heating.
We will ensure your application process is seamless. With our personalised approach, your interactions will be limited to a select few individuals.

What is the ECO4 Scheme?
ECO4 is a scheme that aims to improve housing that is currently not energy efficient. The scheme has been put in place to help low-income and vulnerable families living in homes that would benefit from energy-efficient upgrades. That means a better, more comfortable place to live for those who need it most. At the same time, it will cost less to heat the home, and environmental air quality will be improved for all of us.
ECO4 started on 27th July 2022 and will run until 31 March 2026, focusing on whole-house upgrades including insulation, renewables and replacing inefficient heating systems.
Who Can Qualify for an ECO4 Grant?
If you qualify under the ECO4 scheme, you may receive the upgrades 100% free of charge – therefore there is nothing to pay for the products or the installation. The grants are available for homeowners or occupiers.
Fill in our form, and we can make sure you qualify before moving ahead. If you do not qualify, there are other schemes available that may help you achieve a more energy-efficient home with help from the government. Take a look at the other grant schemes on our website, such as GBIS or the Boiler Upgrade Scheme.
Generally requirements include:
Your home EPC rating must be D or below
And you must be claiming one of the following:
There are other ways to qualify please see The FLEX information.

Does ECO4 Need To Be Paid Back?
You do not have to pay anything for the work completed under the ECO4 scheme. We receive the funding directly from the grant scheme, with no cost to you now or in the future.
If you rent your home, you must go to your landlord to apply for insulation under the ECO4 scheme. Landlords can get funding for insulation that will make an inefficient home easier to heat.
What is eco flex ?
The flexible approach to identifying eligible households exists to target low-income households or households with someone who has a long term health condition, who are unlikely to be in receipt of the scheme’s standard approach to fulfilling eligibility requirements.This approach is available for LAs, and Devolved Administrations (DAs), under the ECO4 scheme.

Who can use the eco flex route.
Households with a gross income of 31k or less.
If a member of the household has a health condition as outlined below, you may be eligible for ECO Flex help.
This would need to be verified by a registered GP.